

Favorite's Fridays: Curl Secret by Conair

Happy Friday! This beauty product is AMAZING! Late one night I was flipping channels and saw an infomercial - you know how those infomercials suck you in and make you buy their products! Well, I was sucked in and bought the Curl Secret by Conair, and, I must say, it was money well spent! I found it at ULTA for a better price than ordering it through the infomercial or online. 

The Curl Secret is an easy way to create shiny beautiful curls. It's easy! It's fast! It's painless, and it's too fabulous for words! It doesn't take long to heat up the Curl Secret, and it stays cool to the touch which makes it simple to use. My daughter tried it out first - she has really long and really thick hair. She timed herself and it took her about 55 minutes from start to finish. (she started with dry hair). 

Do you want to see one in action? Watch this video!
(start at 8:00 minutes)

Recently I have purchased amazing hot curlers (which I still use and love), hair curlers and straighteners but the Curl Secret is probably my favorite for a few reasons:

  1. I can watch my Netflix on my iPad while doing my hair, because the Curl Secret isn't noisy like a blow dryer.
  2. I can't burn myself with it (like I do with my hot curling wand).
  3. It makes my curls even all around.
  4. It's easy and fun to use. (really!)
  5. It does what it says it will do!
  6. It works with any type of hair: curly, straight, wavy etc.

My recommendations: 

Wash your hair the night before, and let it air dry. In the morning allow a good solid 30 minutes to curl hair (depending on thickness and length). Your hair must be dry before using the Curl Secret. 


Wash your hair, blow dry to remove all moisture. Curl as directed! Allow a good solid 30 minutes to curl hair (depending on thickness and length). Your hair must be dry before using the Curl Secret. 


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Yipppee! A little over a year ago, I started this blog with "Stay Cool as a Cucumber this Summer" and it's been a rollercoaster ride ever since. I have blogged about some of my favorite beauty products, (Beauty Blender & Cover Girl Mascara), adventures, (Sailing, Takes Me Away... & Pageant Of The Masters ), my business (Cosmetic  & Corrective Tattooing & The Beauty Of My Business) and more! 

My Fooling Mother Nature blog is being read all over the world and I think that is very exciting! It's incredible what can be done with the internet, with viewers in France, Greece, UK, Sweeden, Poland, China and many more countries. 

To celebrate my 100th blog, I have decided to make a "GREATEST HITS" with links to the best of the best blogs. These blogs have had the most views with the most feedback and response. (see below)

Many of these blog ideas have sparked from discussions that I have had with you in both of my offices. Thank you for the ideas, conversations and your confidence in my work, knowledge and friendship. 

Thank you for making this blog so much fun and exciting for me. I believe that sharing good information is very important! Please share informative information with others - you never know how much you are really helping someone!



The Pageant Of The Masters 2013

This is really a fun family tradition. We have been going every summer since my daughter was in diapers (about 25 years). Every year it gets better and better and this year was no exception. We had a group of 8 wonderful people and enjoyed every second of this year's show. 

If you have never been, you must get tickets for the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach! 


Favorite's Fridays: Dr J's Vibrant Cafe

Okay so this is a favorite that is not a beauty product but beauty starts with healthy foods. Eating healthy is great for your skin, hair, nails and all of your innards of course... 

If you are looking for something yummy and healthy in the LA area, look no further than Dr. J's Vibrant Cafe! Dr J's menu is all vegan with no sugar, dairy, yeast, gluten, caffeine or chemicals. It's also very tasty! 
Lentil Soup

We were fortunate enough to visit last week with some dear friends. and we were able to spend some one-on-one time with the owner and hear his story. He was very kind, and it is obvious that he has a passion for healthy foods, eating healthy and sharing his mother's fabulous healthy recipes with the world. 

My favorite entree is probably a toss up between the lentil soup and the avocado sandwich. The soup was filled with veggies and lentils in a clear broth with a fabulous flavor and a delicious taste. My friend ordered the avocado sandwich, and I am so glad I got a taste! It was filled with avocado, celery, carrots and roasted sunflower seeds on a homemade vegan, gluten free pure bread. YUM! My son in law ordered the curry potato dish which also included veggies and brown rice. It was a bit spicy but very delicious. 

Carob Brownie
We started off the evening with dessert first and then finished with our entrees. My favorite dessert was the Carob brownie with walnuts. It was rich and out-of-this-world delicious - craving one now! We also loved the Dr. J's Supersnacks, which are oats, sunflower seeds and dates topped with a few carob chips. 

If you are in the downtown LA area, check out Dr. J's Vibrant Cafe. Do not hesitate to ask them questions about why they eat what they eat and why their menu is filled with only the best ingredients for you and your body. 

We all enjoyed nibbling our way through the menu and enjoying healthy and delicious fresh foods. We will definitely be back for more!


Leah Hope Photography

Two weeks ago, my family and I did a photo shoot in beautiful Beverly Hills with the very sweet and talented Leah Hope of Leah Hope Photography. We met in a beautiful neighborhood and took advantage of a green hedge and a very neat house. I was really in need of a new business headshot, and my daughter wanted to take a few family photos.

I had never met Leah before, but she is a friend of Krysten and Jeff's from Arizona. She was very kind and helpful. She let me check her camera to see if I blinked and how I smiled - it was nice to be included in the whole process. If you are in Arizona and would like a wonderful and reasonable photographer that allows you to have the rights to your photos, please contact her - you will not be disappointed. Also, if you are in the LA area, do not hesitate to contact her as she is in LA every so often and knows some really fabulous places to take photos.

Here are a few headshots she took of me and a few family photos.

Thanks Leah! It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again soon! 



Athena Karsant- Redefining Your Beauty With Cosmetic Tattooing

- written by Arushi Khanna - 
Cosmetic tattooing also referred to as permanent makeup is turning into a
popular procedure amongst common masses.

Everybody wants to look stunning around the clock, but it involves hours of hard work and absolute proficiency in using makeup. Thus, the best option available is to get permanent makeup on your face for enhancing the appearance of your face, lips and eyelids.

With permanent makeup anybody can get that noticeable facelift, which consequently boosts self- esteem and recognition. The globally recognized cosmetic tattoo specialist and master paramedical, Ms. Athena Karsant, offers permanent makeup services by means of her specialized techniques for women and men from across the world.

Her cosmetic tattooing offices are located in San Francisco and Beverly Hills and it successfully delivers unparalleled service to clients and helps them achieve their desired look and beauty. With cosmetic tattooing, one can get an extraordinary look without any hassles whatsoever. People who want to hide their scars, animal bites, burns, surgery marks, etc. can remove their imperfections by means of permanent cosmetics.

Photo Credit: Leah Hope Photography 
Ms. Athena Karsant will not just give your face an extraordinary lift, but will also root out hair loss issues if you are suffering from pattern baldness or alopecia. Athena Karsant has over 25 years of experience in this field and knows the latest developments and techniques introduced in the same. The best thing about her service is that she is keen to offer one-to-one attention for optimum results.

Whether you are in search of cosmetic tattooing like Eyelash Enhancement or corrective changes for vitiligo, Cleft palette, alopecia, etc. Athena Karsant is always ready to help you with your flawless look and appeal.

Ms. Karsant is a very compassionate individual who personally feels that everyone deserves to look beautiful irrespective of what their defects are. With this understanding she places her best possible effort to use reliable permanent makeup techniques for helping prospective clients with age related issues, defects and enhancements. If you want to know more about her cosmetic tattooing then feel free to visit her website



Favorite's Fridays: Nekter Juice Cleanse

I did my first juice cleanse that I have done in a long, long while. I decided to try Nekter's juice cleanse to flush the toxins out of my body. Nekter is a local healthy juicing / smoothie place in Southern California. They have a location near my office, and I thought it would be nice to do this with my daughter. 

Krysten did a 5 day juice cleanse the week before me and did really well. She said she wasn't hungry and only missed the sensation of something warm to eat or drink. She didn't cheat once and lost about 6 pounds. I think I did about 3.5 days, snacked a little and had my coffee and drank my juice. I don't know if I lost any weight, but I did feel great afterwards, had a little more energy and I don't regret doing it at all.

In all honesty, it was much harder than I expected. I think we should have done 1 or 2 days of juicing first, rather than start with 5 days. It was difficult to be strict with the cleansing because I love my espresso and I love my food (I'll admit it... I cheated!). However, I feel better and I recommend it to anyone.