Athena Karsant is an Internationally renowned Master Corrective & Cosmetic Tattooist in Beverly Hills & San Francisco.
Misspelled Tattoos
Can you guess what is wrong with these photos?
Well, these photos were sent to me in an email and it made me think of a really funny story. I was in my twenties and decided to get a tattoo with a few of my girlfriends. We found Lyle Tuttle (anyone into Tattoos should know of him) in San Francisco and finally got the courage to get inked. I knew my parents would flip out and was trying to figure out where I could get mine without them knowing. I decided to go last out of all of my friends because I couldn't figure out where to put the tattoo! I needed it to be somewhere my parents wouldn't see it... which didn't leave many places when I wore a swimsuit. As we got there, a BIG biker man had just decided on a design and some text to be tattooed on his arm. Lyle Tuttle was quick to tell the biker that he had misspelled his desired tattoo, but the biker refused to listen and was adamant on his own original sketch. Lyle again called him out on his stupidity and made sure that what he wrote was exactly what he wanted. The biker kept strongly insisting that what he personally wrote was what he wanted. The biker went in to be tattooed and one by one, my friends went in and came out with some design permanently stamped on their body. While I was waiting for my turn, the BIG Biker had just finished getting tattooed. Then I noticed his tattoo that said, "HELLS ANGLES." I guess he didn't look so tough with that tattoo. Even though Lyle told the biker that he spelled his own tattoo wrong, the biker disagreed and blew him off. Once the biker finally noticed the mistake, he asked Lyle to cross out the "LES" and tattoo "ELS" above it.
I don't have any tattoos, except my permanent makeup. I never went through with it that day because I feared my parents reaction. I couldn't figure out where to put the darn thing so I wouldn't get caught.
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