

SPCP Conference 2013 - Las Vegas

If you are not willing to learn no one can help you! 
If you are determined to learn no one can stop you!

here are a few photos from the conference in Las Vegas. There are double of some of the photos because these were Facebook posts that I made.


Favorite's Fridays - Witch Hazel

You may or may not know of the wonderful (though foul fragrant) toner/astringent called Witch Hazel. Witch Hazel has been used for many, many years for medicinal purposes by the American Indians. It was produced by boiling the stems of the shrub and was used to treat swellings, inflammations and even tumors. 

Today, you can purchase Witch Hazel at any drugstore, grocery store or superstore (i.e.: Target). I recommend Witch Hazel as a toner to my clients after they have had permanent makeup procedures because it is an effective natural pharmaceutical and is often used to cleanse the skin, treat acne, and is good for oily and combination skin types.

TIP: I love taking simple cotton rounds, placing them in a jar (one that previously came with similar face pads soaked in a toner), and pouring Witch Hazel on top of them so I can make my own pre-soaked toner wipes. They are great to keep by the bed too! If I am tired and want to wash my face in bed, I will use these or my favorite baby wipes.

Here are wonderful uses for Witch Hazel:

It's great for blemish control
Shrink bags under the eyes
Soothe poison ivy and poison oak
Soothe razón burn
It is GREAT to soothe a sunburn



The Importance Of Eyebrows

Eyebrows are more important than you think. Look in the mirror and make a few different expressions (happy, sad, angry, surprised, shy etc). Your eyebrows are an important part of showing emotion! As we age, we tend to lose the tails of our eyebrows or we over-tweeze, and those precious hairs don't grow back! 

Here are some famous faces with their eyebrows removed via photoshop. Eyebrows make a BIG difference!
With all of my clients, I create hair tiny strokes so that your brows have depth and definition. No one will look at you and think your eyebrows are tattooed! There is a running joke in my office that when we have to tweeze a few hairs near our brows, we can't exactly tell which are real hairs and which are beautifully tattooed hair strokes. It is extremely important that each and every client leaves our office with brows that are specifically designed for their face. No two sets of brows are the same and there are no stencils used ever... that is what sets us apart.

The picture below is a great example of the technique that I use on all of my clients. To watch a similar brow procedure that I performed on a client on THE DOCTORS TV show, visit my my PRESS page on my website. (CLICK HERE) (There are two segments.)


Cosmetic Tattooing - Lips

Did you know that as we age the color  in our lips fade, and our lips even lose their shape! Just another thing to worry about as we get older... add it to the list along with gray hair and gravity. Many of my clients who've had their lips tattooed can look up to 10 years younger by perfectly defining their lips and adding a blush of color. No need to worry about pain; I only use the best topical anesthetics. Any cosmetic tattooing procedure is a multi-session process. I have found that it's better to start small and gradually build out your lips to be the perfect shape for your face, your look, and your lifestyle. I customize each color to compliment your undertones, hair and skin tone. What most clients experience and enjoy is the subtle plumping which is a side benefit of the procedure. It's as if you've turned back the hands of time to a perfectly shaped mouth a blush of color and plumping all in one. 

It's amazing how our body can reheal itself. The tattooing process can stimulate blood flow back into the lips. Also, if you desire a more pouty lip, tattooing even a millimeter outside of your natural lip line/shape can make a BIG difference in your lips and look.