

Cosmetic Tattooing - Brows

I had a new client last week who came in with no eyebrows. She must have had 2 or 3 hairs where each of her brows used to be. After her first session, she was incredibly pleased that she was leaving my office with a beautiful set of new eyebrows. 

As we age and mature, we experience something that all women know about… gravity. Defying gravity is a tough one but I feel that if you have a secret to aging you must share it with the world. 

When we "mature" the skin above our eyes tends to droop down a bit and the skin above our brows "relaxes" leaving less and less room between our eyes and our eyebrows. With cosmetic tattooing (especially when one has no brows to begin with) I can tattoo your new brows a little higher than their original place giving YOU a mini-brow lift minus surgery, recovery time and a big bill from the hospital.  

This photo below isn't the client I was speaking about, but here is an example how how eyebrows can totally transform your look, make you look younger, and completely frame your face. 

Call 949.500.1146 to set up a complimentary consultation in any of our offices: 
Newport Beach, San Francisco or Beverly Hills.


before eyebrow tattoo
after eyebrow tattoo


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