

Brow Raising Facts About… Eyebrows

Eyebrows are more important that you thought! They aren’t just for facial expressions and fashion trend opportunities, they actually do more!

- Your eyebrows keep the sweat from dripping into your eyes The arch and tail of your eyebrows are designed so that your eyes stay protected during your workout and even in the rain! 

- Your eyebrows allow for others to know what you are thinking through facial expressions. When you are surprised, you might notice that your eyebrows are raised, and when you are angry, they bunch together.

- Your eyebrows have a specific life-span of 3 to 4 months. During that time, each hair falls out and new growth fills in.

- Eyebrows are crucial for facial recognition. According to a study done at MIT, it can be impossible to recognize a person when their eyebrows are removed! Participants of the study only recognized about half of the faces shown in the study. 

- Eyebrows have been an important part of beauty history. There once was a time when eyebrows were shaved off. During the Renaissance, some thought that shaving the eyebrows off signified beauty and high class. In other ancient civilizations, eyebrows were made from mouse skin and “glued” on for a bushy look. Grooming of the eyebrows is not anything new, and eyebrow maintenance and grooming has been around for a long, long while! 

- Some people spend an average of 10 minutes per day (and even up to 30 minutes) penciling in and perfecting their eyebrows. 10 minutes per day can really add up!

- There are many people who are enjoying the wonderful benefits of having their eyebrows tattooed! While it is believed that permanent makeup started in the days of Cleopatra, there are still so many people who do not know that they can have permanent makeup, have it look extremely natural and that it’s just one phone call away. 

Schedule a complimentary consultation at any our conveniently located offices: San Francisco, Beverly Hills or Newport Beach! Let me help you LOVE your eyebrows again!